Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lucille - Using Her Good Looks for Good!

Luv-A-Bull Dog Rescue is a non-profit organization struggling to make ends meet every single day. There are vet bills to be paid and food to buy and kennels to build so that more lives can be saved. This is where Lucille comes in! We're working with her new family to enter her in the World's Ugliest Dog Contest! We think she has a great chance at winning!

If she wins at the contest, she'll raise some much needed funds for the rescue! Prior to that, we're hoping her story will help raise awareness about some very serious problems in our society - dog overpopulation, bad breeding and how essential it is to spay and neuter.

Want to help us help more dogs like Lucille? Stay tuned, we'll be posting ways to donate here. We can always use money :-), plus supplies like food and towels and blankets. What we need most is a veterinarian! Every donation is tax deductible, and you can donate through our website.

We'll keep you posted on Lucille's progress as she does her grueling training routine to ensure her success at the contest. (Just kidding. She doesn't have to do anything except be herself - that's more than enough!)

The Story of Poor Lucille

At Luv-A-Bull Dog Rescue in Eugene, we have a soft spot for the "less fortunate" and that's why Lucille captured our eye. She is an exceptionally strange dog, both in appearance and behavior and...what can we say...we fell in love. We knew no one would adopt her so we pulled her from the shelter, hoping to give her a chance at some kind of normalcy.

When she arrived, she was even uglier than we had hoped for...not only does she have many physical challenges, but she has many mental issues as well, making her all the more lovable for suckers like us!

There is no sweeter dog than poor Lucille. She has an amazing spirit and attitude, with an exuberant happiness that is contagious to everyone around her. She never tires of giving love, and we think she'd be a great candidate for working with humans that have special needs. She can relate.

Lucille a glaring example of bad breeding - with her strange physical attributes, including very crooked legs and too-close together eyes and an overarching sense that she was thrown together without much pre-planning. She also spins in circles, snorts a lot, falls down and tries to lick the walls. (Please, people just fix your dogs. Hundreds of unwanted dogs die every day...don't make more! Lucille is one of a very fortunate few to be rescued.)

This story has a happy ending - a wonderful family in Portland, Oregon adopted Lucille with full awareness of her problems and knowing they'd get strange looks wherever they took this exceptionally ugly girl. Luckily, they are committed to her and her well-being, and she's become a huge part of their family.